Chimney Leaks

We Get the Job Done Right 

You can’t underestimate the importance of rain pans. They are also known as chase covers. These covers or pans fit on top of the chase of your chimney and help keep water, debris, dirt, insects, and more out of your fireplace and flue. Our rain pans also prevent rain from entering prefab chimney chases and water damage. When you purchase a fireplace for your home, you are essentially signing up to have a hole in your house. While that sounds odd, it’s the truth. That is why you need a chase cover. It protects the fire from continuously growing. Call us now for a free estimate on our rain pans!

Unfortunately, many homeowners have their chimneys installed with chase covers or rain pans that are not built to last. Because they are not durable, this can lead to further water damage that results in cracks. In addition, covers that aren’t durable tend to easy access for animals to invade. We often see squirrels, raccoons, and more inside of chimneys.

Keeping water out of your chimney is one of the most important things you should do to maintain your chimney and keep it in good working order and safe to burn. Water can enter a chimney in a variety of places - from the top of the chimney, through the flashing and even through the bricks or mortar joints on a masonry chimney stack, or through wood trim and corner boards on a prefab (wooden) chimney chase.

Prefab (wooden) chimney chases have rain pans that cover the top of the chase and prevent water from entering and causing costly water damage - including rusting of the flue pipes and fireboxes, and also rotten wood and mold. They also keep out animals, debris, and insects. Unfortunately, these rain pans rust out after a few years and must be replaced. We also see many homes with rain pans that are undersized and do not fit properly.

Masonry chimney stacks also become deteriorated from water entry, including cracked flue tile liners and loose bricks, which will result in very expensive repairs and can allow sparks to escape the chimney and ignite a house fire in walls and attics and result in death. A chimney cap will keep water from the flue. There are other solutions to prevent water entry from other areas on the chimney.


We have specific sealants made just for chimney crowns, flashing and brick work to stop water penetration. Some minor preventative maintenance goes a long way to extending the life of your chimney.

Call Us For Help

If you notice your chimney having issues, call us immediately! Our team works fast to inspect the situation, determine what work is necessary, and provide all of your chimney needs. We take pride in our work and go the extra mile to make sure you are satisfied. We provide quality work at a quality price!

Call Us For Help

If you notice your chimney having issues, call us immediately! Our team works fast to inspect the situation, determine what work is necessary, and get your home back to the way it should be. We serve you with the best equipment, so you know that the job was done right when we leave your home. 

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